Managing Food Safety and Allergies in Sport and Recreation

In May 2016 the Victorian Coroner released a report on the investigation into the death of Jack Glen Irvine on 30 September 2012. Jack Irvine, who was 15 years old at the time of his death, suffered a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) at a junior development sports camp.

In response to the Coroner’s findings the Department encourages sporting club officials, staff and volunteers to complete allergy and anaphylaxis training. Clubs should also review the procedures on how to safely conduct camps involving children, including the safe provision of food to children with known food allergies.

Further information and links to a free anaphylaxis e-training course, developed by the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA), is available on the Sport and Recreation Victoria website.

All sport and recreation clubs should be aware that the Food Act 1984 requires all businesses and organisations selling food to be registered with, or be notified to, the relevant local council, depending on the nature of the business/organisation. This will include sporting groups and events, and camps where food is provided as part of the fee paid to attend. Any fundraising activities by community groups that involve the sale of food, such as sausage sizzles, cake stalls and fetes will also require a Food Act registration or notification.

Further information on food safety and food safety laws may be found on the Department for Health and Human Services website.

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