Forward Thinking, Industry, News


  • Do you consider yourself an Emerging Thought Leader in Victorian community sport?
  • Make a pitch to attend our Emerging Leaders Think Tank on Tuesday May 12 and play a key role in Vicsport’s Forward Thinking Series
  • Join other emerging leaders from Victorian Sport and contribute to developing strategies and ideas to respond to the changing business of community sport.

Give us your pitch by Thursday April 2 - read on for all the info!

Why do we want your input?

The sporting landscape in Victoria is changing:

  • People’s motivation for playing sport is shifting to a focus on fun and fitness rather than on structured competition and performance
  • People want to be able to participate in ways that suit their diverse lifestyles
  • Sport is competing with a growing number of other entertainment and fitness options
  • Victoria is facing a physical inactivity crisis, only a third of us get enough physical activity to benefit our health
  • Government agencies and funding bodies are increasingly focused on maximizing the health, physical activity and broader social outcomes from sport participation.

In this evolving landscape there are challenges for community sport to stay relevant, and fully capitalise on emerging opportunities. In response there is an opportunity for the industry to be proactive and innovative.

What are we doing?

Vicsport, with support from VicHealth, are running a Forward Thinking Series focused on building industry capacity to respond to the changing business of community sport. The Emerging Leaders Think Tank will bring together future leaders in the industry; those who have innovative new ideas that will have a key influence on Victorian community sport in years to come.

Our goal is for this select group to contribute to a shared vision and shared understanding around how we can build the capacity of the industry to respond to change and develop innovative ideas to get people active through sport.

The Emerging Leaders Think Tank follows Vicsport’s Leading Thinkers Forum held earlier this month. At the Leading Thinkers Forum some of the most influential minds in Victorian community sport shared their perspectives on how the industry can capitalise on emerging opportunities now, and in to the future. You can find more information and a summary of the Leading Thinkers Forum here.

Session details

Emerging Leaders Think Tank

Tuesday May 12, 8:30am-12:30pm

Rainforest Room, Melbourne Zoo

Elliot Avenue, Parkville, VIC 3052


If you want to secure an invite to the Emerging Leaders Think Tank tell us:

Q1. “What aspects of your experience, achievements and background position you as an Emerging Leader?” (150 words maximum)

Q2. “How do you believe community sport can positively respond to industry changes and capitalise on emerging opportunities now and into the future?” (150 words maximum)

Email your response to by 5pm on Thursday, April 2.

Please include your name, organisation, role, email address and phone number and details of one referee.

If you require further information please contact Curtis Deboy on (03) 9926 1379 or

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